Wie kann ich die Akzeptanz und Relevanz von Scrum Events, wie Planning, Review, Daily und Retro steigern?
Eine Übung, die mir sehr gut gefällt, kann nebenbei auch Scrum Events aufwerten:
Bündle Aufgaben und Arbeit in Scrum Events – verschlanke Kalender
Nimm dir in einer Retrospektive die Kalender Deines Scrum Teams vor und übe, Meetings und deren Inhalte, statt in seperaten Terminen abzuhandeln einem Scrum Event (Review, Planning, Retro) zuzuordnen.
Das erhöht die Akzeptanz der Scrum Events und verschlankt die Kalender. So ganz nebenbei zahlt es auch noch auf das Scrum Value “Focus” ein ;)
#Scrum #ScrumEvents #ScrumTeam
Find me on:
Me: As a Senior Scrum Master, I lead agile teams to deliver innovative and user-centric digital products and services for the media industry. With over 25 years of work experience in various roles and sectors, I have developed a diverse and versatile skill set that includes Scrumban, Scrum, Facilitation, Product Management, and Project Leadership.
I hold a Certified Scrum Master (CSM) credential from Scrum Alliance and a Facilitator badge. I also write as a columnist for ZEIT ONLINE, sharing my insights and perspectives on topics such as digital transformation, innovation, and culture.
Sicherstellen, dass die Rollen und Verantwortlichkeiten in Scrum für alle Beteiligten klar und transparent sind?
Ich habe gute Erfahrungen damit gemacht, die Verantwortlichkeiten zwischen Scrum Master, Product Owner und Dev Team gemeinsam zu besprechen.
Ich gehe dabei wie folgt vor:
1. Der Scrum Master erstellt ein Board, das die “Grundeinstellung” in Scrum beschreibt, z.B. Ownership des Product Backlogs oder des Scrum Backlogs.
2. dann werden a.) die Aufgaben konkretisiert, geschnitten oder geteilt und b. gemeinsam diskutiert, um
3. zu einer gemeinsamen Matrix zu gelangen, die als Teamvereinbarung fungiert.
Als Scrum Master ist es besonders wichtig, die Grundeinstellungen des Frameworks im Auge zu behalten und eventuelle Abweichungen zu korrigieren.
Überprüfen Sie diese Vereinbarung regelmäßig und passen Sie sie an ... ;)
Lesen Sie den Artikel von LinkedIn collab hier:
#Scrum #ScrumMaster #DevTeam #ScrumTeam #TeamAgreement
Find me on:
Me: As a Senior Scrum Master, I lead agile teams to deliver innovative and user-centric digital products and services for the media industry. With over 25 years of work experience in various roles and sectors, I have developed a diverse and versatile skill set that includes Scrumban, Scrum, Facilitation, Product Management, and Project Leadership.
I hold a Certified Scrum Master (CSM) credential from Scrum Alliance and a Facilitator badge. I also write as a columnist for ZEIT ONLINE, sharing my insights and perspectives on topics such as digital transformation, innovation, and culture.
I have had good experiences with discussing the responsibilities between Scrum Master, Product Owner and Dev Team together.
I proceed as follows:
1. the Scrum Master builds a board that describes the “default setting” in Scrum, e.g. ownership of the product backlog or the Scrum backlog.
2. then a.) the tasks are concretized, cut or divided and b. discussed together in order to
3. arrive at a common matrix that functions as a team agreement.
As Scrum Master, it is particularly important to keep an eye on the basic settings of the framework and to correct any deviations.
Inspect and adapt this agreement regularly ... ;)
Read the collab article here:
#Scrum #Responsibilities #ScrumMaster #DevTeam #ScrumTeam #TeamAgreement
Find me on:
Me: As a Senior Scrum Master, I lead agile teams to deliver innovative and user-centric digital products and services for the media industry. With over 25 years of work experience in various roles and sectors, I have developed a diverse and versatile skill set that includes Scrumban, Scrum, Facilitation, Product Management, and Project Leadership.
I hold a Certified Scrum Master (CSM) credential from Scrum Alliance and a Facilitator badge. I also write as a columnist for ZEIT ONLINE, sharing my insights and perspectives on topics such as digital transformation, innovation, and culture.